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Rewriting life.

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The Problem

Plasmid design is an important and foundational aspect of ​research in many cell biology and immunology labs. It’s a ​complex trial-and-error process, which involves rigorous ​quality checks. These challenges can often extend project ​timelines and escalate costs.

Plasmid.AI is committed to streamlining this crucial task.

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Our Solution

Our solution is an easy-to-use Software-as-Service (SaaS) AI ​DNA writer accommodating the unique demands of our diverse ​customer base.

Plasmid.AI intends to prioritize both an intuitive interface and ​customizability.

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Our statements

Mission, Vision, and Value.

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Powering Breakthroughs.

Research Innovation.

Ethical Commitment.

What Plasmid.AI

stands for

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Powering breakthroughs in

Cell Biology

Powering breakthroughs in cell biology with our cutting-edge AI that crafts unique plasmid sequences. We're not just speeding up scientific discovery; we're rewriting life itself.

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Innovating Research with

Artificial Intelligence

To be the bedrock of biological ​research, transforming how scientists ​work by enabling the creation of new ​plasmids through our innovative AI-​driven platform.

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Committing to

Ethical Science

At the heart of Plasmid.AI is a ​commitment to ethical science and ​innovation. We're redefining ​research by blending disciplines, ​pushing boundaries, and broadening ​access to intuitive tools for ​scientists worldwide.

Meet our team

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Santiago, who holds dual majors ​in applied genetics and cellular ​molecular biology from the ​University of Toronto, specializes ​in nurturing early startups. He ​merges his scientific knowledge ​with sharp business skills and is ​driven by creative innovation. His ​focus is addressing complex, high

biological challenges with ​significant implications for ​humanity.

Santiago Plata Salazar

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Ayalinch is pursuing double ​specialization in Fundamental ​Genetics and Cell Biology at the ​University of Toronto. Strongly ​passionate about genetics and ​cancer research, he is dedicated to ​driving positive impact. He has ​extensive knowledge in these ​areas and is committed to applying ​his expertise in synthetic biology.

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Kris is a passionate individual ​whose whole mindset is centered ​around innovation. Coming from a ​genetics and cell biology ​background, Kris strives to use his ​multifaceted skill set to unite ​people towards a shared goal. ​Kris's ability to adapt to any ​situation poises him to take on ​once insurmountable challenges.

Ayalinch Jonathan

Kris Shivkumar

Madhav is currently pursuing an ​Economics and Mathematics ​Specialist, Statistics Major and a ​Computer Science minor. He is ​very determined in opening a ​biotechnology startup in the future ​and is highly enthusiastic to apply ​his financial knowledge within the ​field of synthetic biology.

Arya is majoring in Economics and ​Statistics with a minor in Computer ​Science. He has a keen interest in ​entrepreneurship and wants to ​explore futuristic industries like AI. ​He also loves travelling and wants ​to explore the world.

Madhav Gupta

Arya Sethi

Market Researcher

Market Researcher

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Design & Branding Team

Sarah Kim


Jenny Kwon